Terms & Conditions

Cancellation/Transfer Policy

You can process refunds automatically through the website until the time limits listed below:

  • EVOKE® Life Planning Training: Self-cancellation from this course or self-transfer to another course is permitted when done 90 or more days in advance of the event start. No refunds or transfers less than 90 days prior to the first day of training.
  • The Seven Stages of Money Maturity® Training: Self-cancellation from this course or self-transfer to another course is permitted when done 30 or more days in advance of the event start. No refunds or transfers less than 30 days prior to the first day of training.
  • Life Planning Mentorship: Self-cancellation from this course or self-transfer to another course is permitted when done 14 or more days in advance of the event start. No refunds or transfers less than 14 days prior to the first day of training.

  • Life Planning Mastery: Self-cancellation from this course or self-transfer to another course is permitted when done 14 or more days in advance of the event start. No refunds or transfers less than 14 days prior to the first day of training.
  • LPM ShortsSelf-cancellation from this course or self-transfer to another course is permitted when done 7 or more days in advance of the event start. No refunds or transfers less than 7 days prior to the first day of training.

Waitlist Policy

For courses starting in 30-days or more:

When a course opening is available, the first waitlisted person will receive an invitation to register. They will have 48 hours from the time the email was sent to complete their registration. If the course opening is still available after 48 hours, the next person on the waitlist is offered the opportunity to register for the course. Each person, in turn, will have 48 hours to complete their registration until the course is full or seven days before the course starts.

Please direct questions regarding these policies to info@kinderinstitute.com
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