By Trèske Heere, RLP®

‘Confidently go into the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined.’
– Henry David Thoreau
This is what Financial Life Planning essentially means to me.
My financial life planning journey began in 2006 when I first met George Kinder at the 2-Day Seven Stages of Money Maturity® Workshop he was teaching in the Netherlands. The training was very inspiring to me and a lot of study followed. I earned my Registered Life Planner® designation by completing the EVOKE® Life Planning Training and the 6-Month Mentorship under the inspiring and warm leadership of the late Ed Jacobson. By 2007, I was one of the first to earn the Registered Life Planner® designation in the Netherlands.
Through my work as a Life Planner, I was very motivated to follow where my own life plan was calling me and sought to learn more about human behavior through the study of ‘Integral Human Sciences,’ which covers disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, religions and much more.

Now 14 years later, after following my own life planning path, I recently realized my long-term goal of establishing a foundation with no profit targets. I opened my own ‘store’ called DE DREAMFABRYK (Dream Factory). It is a physical space, in the middle of society, where people with little or no money, or even those experiencing debt problems, are given the opportunity to work on their dreams, goals, and desires in an accessible way.
I believe in the uniqueness of each individual and that each person has a dream. It is the mission of DE DREAMFABRYK to give every person that enters the opportunity to be heard. I take the time to really listen to what the person sitting across from me would really, really want with their life and guide them through on how to achieve this, no matter their financial circumstances and even when life shows its heavy sides.
I am excited to bring this new blend of Financial Life Planning and Social Work to the Netherlands! Every person deserves a customized life plan, no matter the circumstances.
Trèske Heere, RLP® is money & life coach. Originally, she started her career in market research, followed by several sales and marketing positions in the financial world. In 2006 she changed course and choose for a career in the psychosocial world and studied Integral Human Sciences.
She is the owner of her own company Wijs & Water, director and founder of the foundation Opdynpaad and recently opened the doors of De Dreamfabryk, in a nice, accessible location in the middle of a shopping mall in the Northern part of the Netherlands.
She believes that a more beautiful world starts with the autonomy of every individual.