Profiles in Life Planning: Louis Vollebregt #2

Profiles in Life Planning: Louis Vollebregt #2

photo of smiling man, wearing a blazer and button down shirt
photo of smiling man, wearing a blazer and button down shirt

Name: Louis Vollebregt

Certifications and memberships: RLP®

Business Name: Means in Progress BV

Location: Horalaan 14, 6721 KN BENNEKOM (The Netherlands)


Favorite Parts of My Own Life Plan: Doing what matters most; not wasting time on things that just seem urgent but actually are unimportant to me. Helping other people to develop to the max of their abilities.

Favorite Life Plans I Have Helped Deliver for Clients: I love to work with entrepreneurs in the financial industry. As this is a branch that is very much trying to find new ways to deliver good service, I take pride in helping professionals in our industry to migrate to worthwhile new ways to interact with clients.

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