Nadam Schmidt

Our Trainers

Person looking directly ahead, smiling, wearing a dark blazer with white collared shirt.
Nadam Schmidt

Nadam Schmidt, RLP®, CFP® has worked in the financial services since 2002 at ABN AMRO, RVS, ING (Wealth Management), and ING Investment Advice. Working from a local branch in Amsterdam, he is now the first and only practicing Registered Life Planner at ING. Besides aiming to be the best possible Life Planner for his clients, he is on a mission to educate ING and other employees of large banks to build an advisory service that is truly customer-centric rather than product and money focused. He is specialized in business implementation of life planning on AUM basis in sales oriented organizations. While being a pragmatic financial planner, he is also inspired to integrate mindfulness and personal development into life and business.

Nadam started life planning in 2017 and has been assisting in trainings since 2019 under the guidance of Louis, Thom, and Anita.

Dutch and English Speaking

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