Ep #276: A Four-Year Check-In with Cady North: Financial Planner and Now, Author

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Ep #276: A Four-Year Check-In with Cady North: Financial Planner and Now, Author

#XYPNRadio Feature Image Episode 276

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XYPN Radio – Registered Life Planner® Cady North talks about what she has been up to since her first interview with XYPN Radio nearly four years ago: establishing a great work-life balance, moving across the country, and most impressively and recently, writing a book. Writing a book was always one of Cady’s goals, but one she never made any progress towards achieving. With some soul searching and an author’s program at her alma mater, Cady was able to write the book of her dreams in just 8 months. She credits Kinder Institute’s EVOKE® course as one of the reasons she chose to finally work toward this goal. Credit: Maddy Roche & Cady North – https://blog.xyplanningnetwork.com/podcast-blog/ep-276-cady-north-4-year-check-in-financial-planner-and-now-author

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